Our Philosophy

The central phiosophy at Noah's Ark is that we are a positive influence in children’s lives.

  1. We respect and embrace the lifestyle of our families and educators.
  2. Children are encouraged to value diversity and embrace differences.
  3. We respect the child's family as their foremost influence in their lives.
  4. We believe children have the right to just 'be' and grow and learn at their own pace.
  5. We encourage children to take reasonable risks in balance with teaching safe play.
  6. We provide learning experiences through the medium of play as we believe it is the basis for the development of vital skills like exploration, curiousity, problem solving, relationship building, social skills and language
  7. Learning environments are organised in ways that promote small group interactions and play experiences.
  8. Utilisation is made of reflective practice to influence change and growth.
  9. We make curriculum decisions that promote inclusion and participation by all children.
  10. Communication is friendly, positive and respectful, a basis for forming warm relationships with all children in our care.

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